Building Your Business, Together.

Independent Knowledge Partner Network (IKPN) invests in partners in marketing-related industries, providing businesses like yours with the tools to do what you do best.
A collection of rudimentary shapes in yellow, red, and blue that form a vine-like structure reaching out.
Who We Are

Small Investments,
Big Results.

We’re carving a unique path in the world of investing—we want to see you stay at the head of your company. With minority equity investments, you make the decisions in your business, and we help you to meet your goals.
What We Do

Helping you meet your goals.

IKPN helps extraordinary leaders and businesses on their journey to doing great things. We spend time learning about you, your organization, and how we can bring your ambitions to life.

We want to see
you shine.

Our carefully vetted partners are what make the network great—in return, we help create great opportunities for you to reach your unique goals through investment, support and connection.

Let’s make it happen.

We want to get you one step closer to achieving your goals.


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